Celica Blue and Lymphoma: Round 3

Keeping me company in the home office.

Keeping me company in the home office.

Is it possible that a cat with a normal appetite and energy level, and blood work all in normal values is sick?

Celica Blue has been diagnosed with lymphoma, a common, but nasty blood cancer, but the only time she showed signs of illness were the symptoms – a single vomiting episode, lethargy, and abdominal pain – that sent us to the ER that fateful Monday evening almost a month ago. Radiographs, needle aspirate, and ultrasound confirmed that the mass in her abdomen was lymphoma.

We started treatment immediately: daily prednisolone, combined with three doses of chemotherapy – Vincristine, Cyclophosphamide, and Doxorubicin – to date.

Thus far, she has been free of side effects and the mass has shrunk from 7 cm to 3 cm.

At her most recent appointment, she gained some weight and her blood work was perfect; there was no sign that the pred was affecting her values, either. She was feisty enough to require a return visit the following day for light sedation for the Doxorubicin. She turned up her dainty nose at the canned food offered at the vet’s after her treatment and gobbled down her homemade chow once we got home. Along with telling us in no uncertain terms that she was not pleased with the experience.

It’s really warm and humid, so all the cats are pretty much flat out. The Doxorubicin may have some side effects – lethargy (maybe) and inappetence (nope) – so of course, I’m watching.

I also discussed adding some holistic supplements, specifically Artemisinin. Dr. Olmsted didn’t see a problem, but thought it would be best to wait until we get through this round of chemo. She didn’t have a problem with consulting with a holistic veterinarian and recommend one I know from quite a while ago, Dr. Stephen Tobin. Acupuncture was also recommended from what I read as well as a hemp/cannabis product called Canna-Pet and mushrooms, though I have yet to zero in on a product.

Where we’re at right now is $4,265 spent thus far. Laurie Goldstein graciously set up a fundraiser on YouCaring.com. Between that and a couple of private donations, we raised about $1,000; we’re beyond grateful! The rest has come from out of pocket and I’ve dipped into a credit card. If you could toss a couple dollars into the pot, it would be appreciated more than you can imagine.

Next treatment is another round of Vincristine on July 26, followed by the Cyclophosphamide, and Doxorubicin, then another “staging” to see where we stand.

Part 1: Celica Blue and Lymphoma: The Journey Begins

Part 2: Celica Blue and Lymphoma: Two Weeks In


About ExclusivelyCats
Sally Bahner is an expert in all aspects of cat care: Writer, consultant, speaker, instructor.

7 Responses to Celica Blue and Lymphoma: Round 3

  1. Bernadette says:

    That’s incredibly good news, nothing short of miraculous! When I can contribute, I will.

  2. Very uplifting story. How old is she? Thanks for all the information about her treatment. We wonder if our almost 16 year-old kitty may have Lymphoma also.(intestinal). The ultrasound was suspicious but since he has so many other complicated medical issues, such as CRF and Chronic Pancreatitis, we are treating him symptomatically. Our vet is thinking it is IBD, and he is doing pretty well now- so not doing an invasive biopsy for a clinched dx –

    • She’s almost two years old, which makes the diagnosis very unusual. From what I’ve read, a diagnosis of lymphona is often caught up with IBD issues and thus hard to detect, plus it’s more common in older cats. We were really lucky to get an immediate diagnosis — radiograph, needle aspirate, and ultrasound — (probably because there was a discernible mass) and started treatment right away.

  3. Marc-André says:

    Hope she will recover fully ❤

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